(07/29 – 09/03) Being home for the month of August is just what the doctor ordered! Four months abroad was a long time to be gone. We were ready to avoid the excessive heat, the building crowds, and not have to worry about the Europeans being on “holiday.” It was refreshing to sleep in my own bed, wonderful to reunite with my family, and to reconnect with our friends over cocktails, dinners, and laughs.
The month was a steamy whirlwind. Although the Atlanta temperatures were near record breaking, there were things to accomplish! Highlights of the time home include getting my haircut (finally), spending a few days with my brother and his family in Florida, visiting with my great friend and helping her house hunt, attending a surprise birthday party for a special friend, touring the venue Katie and TJ secured for their wedding, throwing the happy couple an engagement party, and even going wedding dress shopping! I cried. We later met the men at the restaurant where the rehearsal dinner will be held. Great choices! On a side note, my niece, Emily, a die-hard Mets fan from NJ, joined us for the party; we even attended the Braves vs Mets baseball game!
(9/04-09/07) Happy Labor Day! We have left for Athens, Greece and then spent two days in Leros to acclimate ourselves to the time change as well as prepare for the next leg of this crazy adventure. Our lazy days in Leros were wonderful. Armed with new books, we soaked up the sun on the pebbly beaches surrounded by the crystal clear, salty waters. The tourist season had dwindled, the temperatures were near perfect, and our stay at the Alidian Bay Suites was outstanding. Leros is a hidden gem if you prefer the laid back, easy going vibe!
(09/08) The boat has been “splashed” (put back in the water) and off we sailed! Our original intent was to sail several hours and then anchor. We quickly changed our minds after realizing several things on the vessel were amiss and needed immediate attention. We anchored right outside the shipyard, recovered our sea legs, and went to work.
(09/09) Today was a terrible sailing day. The winds were predicted to blow a true wind speed of 15; it was double. The sea swells were 8 to 10 feet. At times we sailed up to 14 knots. We wore life jackets and Rich was tethered in most of the day while adjusting sails or tending to whatever. It was nerve racking. We finally anchored close to Naxos. I was told you have to take the good with the bad. All I thought was another new piece of jewelry…
(09/10- 09/11) The dreaded Meltimi winds are bearing down on us as we continue sailing in the Aegean Sea, along the coastline, to eventually cross over to Sicily. We have noticed the shift in the air and are very conscious of what may come.
We planned to go ashore into Naxos to purchase a new SIM card (we have not had internet service thus far) and to get our transit log stamped by the Coast Guard but the Gods had other ideas. We were unsuccessful in anchoring due to the high winds, grassy sea bottoms, and the large wakes left behind by local ferries. By the looks of the city from the water, it would have been interesting to explore Naxos. I guess you can’t do everything!
Changing tactics, we sailed towards Milos, dropping anchor on the west-side of Anti Paros, opposite the island of Despotiko, an ancient sanctuary. Sailing in these persistent, continuous groaning winds leave you unsettled, while your senses are on high alert. Travel days of this sort are exhausting mentally and physically. In fact, the relentless gusts had us pull up the anchor and move closer to the shoreline and re-anchor.
Our dinner time prayers were those thanking for our safety and in remembrance to the tragic event known as 9/11.
(9/12) We have been back in Greece for a week now; I don’t feel as if we ever left. I already am a bit homesick. I guess the good news is that we have learned more efficient and effective ways to use the sails to our advantage, especially in rough water and high winds.
We left the anchorage outside Anti Paros and are headed to the island of Milos.