We left Greece on Sunday, September 17th, sailed 230 nautical miles, overnight, late into the next night, to arrive in Italy on Tuesday, September 19th. I have never dropped anchor in the darkness of night so I was a bit concerned about rocks or other unforeseen problems. Rich heard the trains afar and was comforted. Nonetheless, it all went smoothly.

(09/19) The dry atmosphere of Greece has been replaced by a humid, warmer atmosphere in Italy. The barren looking mountains of Greece are replaced with lively, deep jade Italian ones. Both the water and air temperatures are ten degrees warmer and we are also in a different time zone, now only 6 hours ahead of the US.

(09/20-09/21) We are back at a mooring in midnight blue waters of Taormina, the Sicilian town known for its ancient Greek theater and by the show “The White Lotus.” The filming of the show was conducted around the area as well as in the San Domenico Palace, currently a Four Seasons property. The palace was once a convent dating back to the 14th century and has been a hotel since 1896. We attempted to have a cocktail at the infamous hotel only be turned away since we did not have a reservation and outside guests are limited. I did get a few photos, though, of the reception area.
Continuing on our stroll of the village, we successfully enjoyed a cocktail on the balcony of the beautiful Metropole Hotel. The views from the mountainside balcony were stunning, looking down onto the harbor and over the countryside. In striking up conversation with a couple from Colorado, it seems we were not the only ones unable to saunter into the Four Seasons.
The last photo depicts the symbol of the flag of Sicily. The symbol can be found on everything from socks, to purses, to tea towels. The three legged figure represents a triangle for the three corners of the island; Peloro (northeast), Passero (southeast), and Lilibeo (west).
Our quick stay in Taormina was a pleasant one. We caught up on some sleep, took advantage of walking new parts of the town, and of course, had terrific meals. George, the owner of the mooring company, suggested we dine at the Trattoria Don Camilo. We were not disappointed and especially surprised by the baked egg and tomato dish. Only the Italians would put spaghetti sauce on eggs!