We have made it down to Elba to anchor and go ashore. We were here last year and I remember enjoying the charm of the place. It was mid-summer last time we visited, the beach was a mass of colored beach umbrellas, the teens were everywhere, and everyone enjoyed an ice cream cone! Now, it is quiet, the locals are preparing for the summer months, and the population sparse. Folks are still swimming, rowing, or walking the beach, even in the rain.
Elba is the third largest island in Italy and is best known as an exile destination of Napoleon, the first Emperor of France.

We ended up staying in Elba a day longer than planned; we ran out of propane (for cooking) so that took a bit of extra time, allowing us to enjoy another dinner in town.
When having a drink at a bar, it is customary to be served potato chips, peanuts, and green olives. If you order a second drink, you are served small, hot sandwiches usually of ham and cheese. A popular appetizer in Italy are stuffed mussels. We have had them prepared several ways; they are always interesting and delicious.
Despite the rain, we once again enjoyed our visit to Elba.